Friday, December 7, 2012

Happy December! -- Family Christmas Photo Features

Wow! It's December already. Where does the time go! I meant to be blogging holiday shoot deadlines, and photo updates, and new plans... but that's ok. I spent that time with my family, and your family, and editing like mad, and designing some really beautiful holiday cards for my beloved clients (see some of their beautiful families through this posting). Life doesn't always have to be on a perfect schedule, it just needs to be enjoyed minute by minute, day by day. Each day brings new joys -- and I try not to miss them (I hope you don't either).

Speaking of enjoying each minute, here's an article (Huffington Post, by Allison Tate) that I couldn't have written better myself... (thank you to my good friend for sharing it with me).

I often share my passion about how investing in your family photo experience is really investing in the creation of HISTORY, and the above article hits the nail on the head. You are leaving a legacy, your family is part of it, and MOMS - YOU are a big part of it -- so don't be shy about being in your family Christmas picture, no matter how you think you look. Be part of that history for your kids.

While it might be late in the game to get a jump on the professional Christmas photo shoot, make sure you're in your snapshots this holiday season with your kids. Smiles, snuggles, and stray hairs all around.

Thank you to all the wonderful clients I did spend this fall with, sharing in a moment of your family's history. I am blessed by each of you! I truly love getting to know you and your children.

Merry Christmas everyone! Now go and enjoy your December already!!

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