Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer Schedule...

I will confess, I am taking it easy... I LOVED our 100degree heat wave and am completely thrilled at the reality of summer. So you won't find any fancy newsletters, intensive events, or major studio undertakings for awhile (all though sometimes inspiration is known to strike at odd times). ;)

But I have made some scheduling decisions for the summer and thought it a good idea to share. With the kids out of school, summer camps planned, weekends accounted for, and desk cleaned, I can finally settle in to a new (temporary!) routine.

So as a flexible guideline, the summer schedule is as follows:
-Tuesdays: desk & editing days (best to catch me via phone!)
-Thursdays & Fridays: most shoots scheduled; some desk-time
-Wed or Thurs nights: various evening shoot availability
(some Monday evenings are possibilities too)

Keep in mind, summer days are long and late afternoon to evening light is GORGEOUS for outdoor shoots! Morning & mid-day shoots are great for studio-shoots and will work for outdoors, but not as ideal for on-location glory.

Summer is a great time for:
-Senior Pictures
-Child or Family Shoots at the Park
-Fashion Portfolio updating

Be in touch with questions or for booking times...
Shannon :)